I can't believe the year's almost over. I get so excited at the beginning of each new year. It's like a brand-new, baby-fresh start! This new year is particularly exciting for me since this is the year that I am finally going to graduate and (hopefully) get a real job. I start my student teaching in February!! But, of course, before I can move on into the new year, I must reflect upon the old....
I made absolutely no resolutions for 2006. I didn't want to begin the year being disappionted because I let the laundry get out of control or I cheated on a diet in January. Eww...then I'd have to live with that all year. So, with no firm goals set let's see what I've accomplished. Well, not really a whole lot. I can now jog almost 1/4 mile without dying. I can briskly walk four miles in less than an hour. I became friends with someone I never thought I could ever be friends with. I learned a lot about forgiveness. I let go of a few unhealthy relationships. I turned 29 for the first time. I lost almost 20 pounds. I walked with both of my daughters to the alter when they accepted Christ and I didn't cry (much). I learned how to make brownies (without a mix). I failed and faltered all year and I still get to end it thinking "wow, this was a really great year!"
So I didn't blaze new trails or change the world, but my world feels semi-settled and less chaotic. Faced with a new year just waiting to be filled with my successes and failures and everyday life I will stick to my game plan. I don't need resolutions to guide me. I don't want to place expectations on the unknown. I just want to freefall into it and savor each day. I want to wake up with the feeling of newness and possibility that I have on January 1 each and every day of 2007. So, here's a song to end my year. Happy 2007!!