Surrounded by Genius

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Non-Mechanics at Work

I had to find something to do to keep me from watching Scott and his stepdad install the working starter in my van. Ugh. I walked out a few minutes ago and they were trying to get the ramps under it. While they were trying to get the second ramp under it, the ramp on the other side started to tilt. Really tilt. Up on one edge tiltage. I had horrific visions of my van turned up on its side in the ditch. Double Ugh! So I scurried in here to keep myself busy. It's just better if I don't watch. Sometime soon I'm gonna figure out how to put pics on here. A picture of this would be priceless. I just checked on them and I think they just used fishing line to secure something... I'd better go supervise!!


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